Colney Hatch - The Nurse Brown Mystery
Colney Hatch - The Nurse Brown Mystery

Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum

A Victorian beast of a structure built in 1851, it was the largest asylum in Europe and boasted the longest single corridor, which was more than a quarter of a mile, while the building itself had over six miles of corridors to house over 3000 patients in 32 different wards.

Some of the more famous residents included Aaron Kosminski, one of the men suspected of being Jack the Ripper, and two wives of Aleister Crowley (Rose Kelly and Maria Teresa de Miramar), the famous British occultist, writer, philosopher, mystic, and influencial member of the Golden Dawn, the Argenteum, and Ordo Templi Orientis.


What caused the big fire?

Jan.27- More than fifty insane patients were burned to death by a fire at the Colney Hatch Asylum this morning. The outbreak occurded in the Jewish wing of the institution. The flames spread with great rapidity and before they could be got under control five wooden buildings including dormitories and the doctors' apartments were burned out. All the efforts of the officials were directed to removing the insane inmates, but the latter became wild with excitement and so panic-stricken that not only were they unable to help themselves, but greatly impeded the opperations of those trying to save them. One nurse Elnora Brown showed great bravery.


Do you want to know more?

What was discoverd in the box of Nurse Elnora Brown?

When some buildungs were torn down in 1993 a box was discovered. It belonged to nurse Brown and gave insight why the fire broke out in 1937. Besides the keys to the wards 1-5, some personal items, a photo and a bell there was also something else...